We have been able to grow our fundraisers by 5x since adopting Schoolze for our schools. The best tool we have every used for our school!
We were using emails to communicate within our board members before we started using Schoolze. Now we just use Schoolze mobile app and things are so much easier.
Last year we raised $55K online from our parents and community using Schoolze. This was by far the largest we have done so far. Great took to increase the pot size.
Start fundraising with online campaigns for donations, item sales, and print. Spice up member and community engagement while fundraising.
Offer free and paid memberships to your school, PTA, or PTO parents and increase your audience. Granularly control who sees what information.
Build and circulate engaging newsletters to your parent community. Increase community engagement for your school or the group and spice up support.
Request volunteers and support for your events. Send reminder notifications to all participants. Free trial limits one active signup.
Launch your own online store on the website. Add any products that you want to sell to your members or fundraise over your existing inventory.
Free, personalized, branded site for your school and PTA parent group. Customizations and custom domain setup available for paid plans.